Adaptive Tangible Tabletop Interface – Thesis University of Applied Sceince Darmstadt, Germany
topic: “Application for consulting and sales on an interactive table”
period: 03.2009 – 07.2009
status: a functional prototype Version 1.0
project type: Thesis
team: Georgi Karchev
personal tasks: concept, logo, project-management, marketing, programming, information architecture, graphic design
Professor Hubert Eisner,
Sebastian Sauer
The idea behind this project is the creation
of a multi-user system that assists the
communication between consultants and
potential investors in the real estate sector.
The application displays architectural
projects in a clear and easy to understand
manner. With its help consultants can carry
out detailed presentations in real time
intuitively and without any previous
knowledge of the given real estate.
During the summer semester 2009 a
product concept was created and a
functional prototype of the system was
implemented. The prototype was
implemented using Processing and is based
on interaction via multi-touch and the
tracking of fiducial markers.
Users’ interaction with the system is based
on the reacTIVision software and the TUIO
protocol. Data on clients’ sessions and
current information about the real estates
are kept on an Apache server in a MySQL
database. Data exchange between the
client-system, installed on the interactive
table with the Apache server is carried out
via a XML interface. Due to the fact that the
product of the compiled
Processing code is Java, the prototype can
be used on Windows, Macintosh and Linux